
Bed Assembly

Bed Assembly

Congratulations on receiving your bed! Our beds are really easy to assemble. To start, make sure you have two people available to help. Your bed should have arrived in five parts:

  1. Headboard
  2. Base board
  3. Rails x 2
  4. Centre support beam
  5. A pack of slats
  6. Bolts

The only tool you'll need is a 5mm allen key


Step by step guide


1. Lean the headboard against the wall, and place the rails and base board in position.


2. Work on one side rail at a time, with each person holds on to one end of a side rail. The person closest to the headboard kneels to affix the brackets together while the person at the back holds the side rail roughly perpendicular to the headboard, getting just one bolt attached snugly ('finger tight')



2. After the rail is attached to the headboard, the person at the back can lean the rail down to a roughly level position while the other person gets the baseboard into position. Work together to then attach the bracket. If snug, it may be necessary to give the baseboard a couple of bops with the palm to close the gap. Attach one bolt snugly. The bed will now stand up on its own.



3. Both people can then pick up the second rail at each end and work together to lock the brackets into place. Put one bolt snugly into each bracket.


4. At this stage the bed is assembled, and all the additional bolts can be put into place. It's important to get all bolts threaded in a bit before tightening, as if one bolt is too tight it may be difficult to get the others in the same bracket started



5. Tighten all bolts firmly but not to the point of stripping the threads


6. Drop centre beam, slats and then mattress into place


Et voila! 

Questions? Get in touch.